ICAO Approach Classifications

From publications
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The ICAO approach classifications.

instrument licences are divided between 2D and 3d IAP endorsements, and there are cases where pilots do not have access to a 2D IAP, or in some remote areas no access to 3D IAP.

2D IAP are divided between Lateral guidance with Course Deviation Indicator and Azimuth Guidance via a relative bearing indicator.

An instrument rating initial issue must test a 2D IAP [1] .

2D IAP covers: 1. NDB 2. VOR and LOC (if you have shown competency conducting VOR approaches, we consider you skilled enough to conduct LOC approaches) 3. DGA (DME/GNSS arrival) 4. RNAV GNSS LNAV (RNP LNAV) or RNAV GNSS LP (RNP-LP) 3D IAO covers: Precision: ILS with LOC and GS (Currently does not cover Non Precision: RNAV GNSS VNAV with CDI and GS due to advisory limitations and the lack of IAP minimas)

Recency requirements:

  • o conduction a 3D approach must have conducted a 3D approach in 90 days
  • to conduct a 2D approach - 90 days
  • to conduct an Aximuth - 90 days